

Hi, I’m Meredith. I am a birth doula stationed right in the cornfields of Indiana. I spend most of my time working on my PhD, doing birth work, writing poetry, and drinking wine from a $1 glass.

Interview with a full spectrum doula

What is a full spectrum doula? In this interview, I talk with Liam Rose, a full-spectrum doula based in South Bend, Indiana. We talk about what it means to walk with people through all parts of the reproductive spectrum…whether that be fertility, conception, birth, abortion, postpartum…we humans live in the full experience of what it…

good vibrations

string theory suggests that particles aren’t really points in space and time, but are instead long strings whose vibrations determine everything about the particle, and place that particle not in 3 or 4 dimensions, but in 11. can you imagine anything in 11 dimensions? i cannot. but all of the particles in the air could…

My First Birth Experience

Despite having a deep interest in the anthropology of birth, I had never actually witnessed a birth. I had never been in the delivery room during the actual act of birthing a human being; I had only been present after the fact, when everything is cleaned up and mom and baby are tucked up in…

Why Go Doula?

Once you learn what a doula is, your next question may or may not be: why should I hire a birth doula? Maybe you’re also thinking: I already have a birth plan all written out, so I don’t think I need any other help. My partner/family/friends will be there so I don’t need somebody else…


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